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Lord, Are You Washing My Feet?

  The account of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet is recorded only in the gospel of John (chapter 13). Just prior to this act, John made a wonderful statement about Jesus in verse 1.  Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.   Jesus knew exactly who He was and why He came into this world. He also knows that soon He will be with the Father again in all His glory. Here we have the Alpha and the Omega, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the radiance of God’s glory, the One in whom dwell the fullness of the Godhead. Jesus knew His greatness, but rather than demand others serve Him, He showed us His humility by serving others. "Do you know who I am?" How often have you heard this (or perhaps you have said it yourself)? If Jesus, in all His glory, could humble himself and stoop down, how much more should we? In that culture at that time, a Jewish rabbi co

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